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Web 4.0 - Are You Ready?

Just when you got comfortable with Web 2.0 along comes version 4.0. Where is it all heading and do we want to go there? We take a wider look...

Web 4.0,Trip Down the Rabbit Hole or Brave New World?
Web 4.0,Trip Down the Rabbit Hole or Brave New World?
From semantic Web (3.0) to the WebOS (4.0)
From semantic Web (3.0) to the WebOS (4.0)
Future of The Web- Will Web 5.0 Take Control?
Future of The Web- Will Web 5.0 Take Control?
Today´s Web 3.0 Nonsense Blogstorm
Today's Web 3.0 Nonsense Blogstorm
Intelligence is in the Connections
Intelligence is in the Connections
Glimpse of the Future, 1994