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Sentiment Analysis - can the internet 'feel'?

Search engines, social networks and the like want to measure our reactions to their content. How we 'feel'. So just how can they get into our minds? We take a look...

Mining the Web for Feelings, Not Facts
Mining the Web for Feelings, Not Facts
5 Ways Sentiment Analysis is Ramping Up in 2009
5 Ways Sentiment Analysis is Ramping Up in 2009
Why Sentiment Analysis is About as Reliable as a Canary in a Coal Mine
Why Sentiment Analysis is About as Reliable as a Canary in a Coal Mine
Google Gives Sentiment Analysis Multistar Rating
Google Gives Sentiment Analysis Multistar Rating
Why Google Really Wants Twitter: Real Time Sentiment Analysis Scoring
Why Google Really Wants Twitter: Real Time Sentiment Analysis Scoring
Measuring Linkfluence and Visual Social Media Monitoring
Measuring Linkfluence and Visual Social Media Monitoring