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A Big Red Bus - the new atheist weapon

Richard Dawkins and the British Humanist Association have swapped one platform for another. The weapon of choice? A bus!

Official Site of the Atheist Bus Campaign
Official Site of the Atheist Bus Campaign
Richard Dawkins´ support for the Red Bus Campaign
Richard Dawkins' support for the Red Bus Campaign
BBC Radio 4 to broadcast its first atheist ´Thought for the Afternoon´
BBC Radio 4 to broadcast its first atheist 'Thought for the Afternoon'
The Church of the Non-Believers  - the growing ´assertive atheism´
The Church of the Non-Believers - the growing 'assertive atheism'
History of Modern Atheism
History of Modern Atheism
´Believing a Little Bit´  - a sliding scale for agnosticism?
'Believing a Little Bit' - a sliding scale for agnosticism?