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God in the 21st Century


Against a backdrop of scientific discovery and cultural integration on a scale like never before, we take a look at God in the 21st century...

We Are Born to Believe in God
We Are Born to Believe in God
Is There An Artificial God? - speech by Douglas Adams
Is There An Artificial God? - speech by Douglas Adams
God, Faith and the New Millennium: Christian Belief in an Age of Science
God, Faith and the New Millennium: Christian Belief in an Age of Science
God is imaginary
God is imaginary
Can Religion Save Us? An interview with Huston Smith.
Can Religion Save Us? An interview with Huston Smith.
God in the 21st century
God in the 21st century
Richard Dawkins´ secular army must be stopped. God is behind some of our greatest art.
Richard Dawkins' secular army must be stopped. God is behind some of our greatest art.