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The Future of Music

In a sea of pirates and illegal downloading, the record industry has been brought to the brink. But is it the nadir of recorded music as we are led to believe or a much needed clear out. As digital single sales soar and subscription models prosper, will music become both more easily acquired and at a reasonable cost to the consumer? Will it be the promised revolution or simply herald in the same old thing in brand new clothes? We take a wider look...

Illegal downloaders ´spend the most on music´, says poll
Illegal downloaders 'spend the most on music', says poll
David Byrne´s Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists - and Megastars
David Byrne's Survival Strategies for Emerging Artists - and Megastars
8 Key Trends for the Next 5 Years
8 Key Trends for the Next 5 Years
The Future Of Spotify And Its Competition
The Future Of Spotify And Its Competition
Peter Gabriel: the future of music
Peter Gabriel: the future of music
A Brief History Of The Album
A Brief History Of The Album
Digg Dialogg: Trent Reznor - the future of music