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District 9 - A Wider Look

District 9 sees alien segregation as an allegory on apartheid and general cultural prejudice. We take a wider look at this much touted 'classic' and the politics at its core...

5 Things You Didnīt Know About District 9
5 Things You Didn't Know About District 9
Peter Jackson on why District 9 breaks the sci-fi mold
Peter Jackson on why District 9 breaks the sci-fi mold
Xenophobia, Racism Drive Alien Relocation in District 9
Xenophobia, Racism Drive Alien Relocation in District 9
The History of Apartheid in South Africa
The History of Apartheid in South Africa
Are there aliens already on Earth?
Are there aliens already on Earth?
Tetra Vaal: 3D animated robot
Tetra Vaal: 3D animated robot
Alive in Joberg - original short film District 9 was based upon