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Barbie at 50!

She's seen Presidents come and go, Man walk on the Moon, the iron curtain part, and now she's looking to outlive us all! Just who is this keeper of the fountain of youth? We take a wider look...

Barbie´s 50th Birthday Convention
Barbie's 50th Birthday Convention
Barbie: vintage moments and retro highlights from an iconic history
Barbie: vintage moments and retro highlights from an iconic history
Mattel Introduces Totally Stylin Tattoo Barbie
Mattel Introduces Totally Stylin Tattoo Barbie
Beyond Barbie´s Influence on Girls´ Self-Image
Beyond Barbie's Influence on Girls' Self-Image
The annual Altered Barbie art show
The annual Altered Barbie art show
Weird Al Yankovic - Barbie Is A Bitch