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Atlas Shrugged - its relevance today

In a climate of bailouts and kickstarts, we take a wider look at Atlas Shrugged, an economic outlook that doesn't hold up such approaches...

Is Atlas Shrugging? - video interview
Is Atlas Shrugging? - video interview
Ayn Rand Institute
Ayn Rand Institute
Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged--Back to the Top of the Pops!
Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged--Back to the Top of the Pops!
Free For All - a history of libertarianism from the Austrians to Ayn Rand and beyond.
Free For All - a history of libertarianism from the Austrians to Ayn Rand and beyond.
Is Rand Relevant?
Is Rand Relevant?
Morality of Capitalism - as presented in Atlas Shrugged
Morality of Capitalism - as presented in Atlas Shrugged
The Ayn Rand Lexicon
The Ayn Rand Lexicon
Ayn Randīs Atlas Shrugged: from romantic fallacy to holocaustic imagination
Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged: from romantic fallacy to holocaustic imagination
Quotes from Atlas Shrugged