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Dogfight: Does Sex Sell?

Not sure what washing powder to use? How about the one shown with the shapely legs or the ripped torso? Does sex really influence our consumer decisions? We take a look...

One perspective Another
15 Ads That Prove Sex Sells... Best?
15 Ads That Prove Sex Sells... Best?
Bikinis, Babes, and Buying - use with caution!
Bikinis, Babes, and Buying - use with caution!
Sex Sells - the view from men and women
Sex Sells - the view from men and women
Don’t Advertise During Sexy Programmes - The Viewer Won’t Remember
Don’t Advertise During Sexy Programmes - The Viewer Won’t Remember
Sex Doesn´t Sell - if you think ´sex sells´ then you´re not paying attention
Sex Doesn't Sell - if you think "sex sells" then you're not paying attention
Neuromarketing: Why Fear Sells, Sex Doesn´t
Neuromarketing: Why Fear Sells, Sex Doesn't