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Dogfight: Net Neutrality

As the internet becomes ever more throttled by data, someone has to pay the costs of upgrades. Who picks up the tab will inevitably shape the future of the net. We take a look at the battle...

One perspective Another
Everyone Gets a Bonus from Obama’s Net Neutrality Plan
Everyone Gets a Bonus from Obama’s Net Neutrality Plan
The Net Neutrality Debate All On One Page
The Net Neutrality Debate All On One Page
Google Introduces A New Weapon In The Fight For Net Neutrality: Measurement Labs
Google Introduces A New Weapon In The Fight For Net Neutrality: Measurement Labs
Father of internet warns against Net Neutrality
Father of internet warns against Net Neutrality
Why Does Net Neutrality Matter
Why Does Net Neutrality Matter
Net neutrality not for ´the little guy´
Net neutrality not for 'the little guy'