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Dogfight: Sports Stars' Salaries


Are we paying our sports stars too much? Now we talk of sports stars as brands, as mobile billboards. Is this a dilution of the sporting arena or an innocent side effect? We take a look at both sides of the discussion...

One perspective Another
In defense of pro athletes
In defense of pro athletes
Sport should remain a free market but which millionaire sportsmen can justify their salaries?
Sport should remain a free market but which millionaire sportsmen can justify their salaries?
The sports star as business brand
The sports star as business brand
Why Do We Allow Athletes, Musicians And Movie Stars To Get Paid Such Vast Sums Of Money?
Why Do We Allow Athletes, Musicians And Movie Stars To Get Paid Such Vast Sums Of Money?
Sports Minister attacks ŽobsceneŽ football wages
Sports Minister attacks 'obscene' football wages