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Dogfight: Psychics


Psychics claim to see the future and talk with the dead. Are we to believe the claims or dismiss them as nonsense?

One perspective Another
Cross Correspondences: validating the claims of psychics.
Cross Correspondences: validating the claims of psychics.
Declassified CIA documents support ´Remote Viewing´ psychic ability.
Declassified CIA documents support 'Remote Viewing' psychic ability.
Why Psychics Hate Derren Brown
Why Psychics Hate Derren Brown
MOD study concludes little value in ´Remote Viewing´ theories.
MOD study concludes little value in 'Remote Viewing' theories.
Police psychics: do they ´really´ help solve crimes?
Police psychics: do they 'really' help solve crimes?
The Psychic Twins Terry and Linda Jamison
James Randi, Penn & Teller on skepticism