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Dogfight: Biofuels


Touted as a saviour of our planet's future, we take a look at both sides of the argument and see what's burning...

One perspective Another
Super Microbes Create Better Ethanol
Super Microbes Create Better Ethanol
Biofuels look to the next generation
Biofuels look to the next generation
Global Biopact On Biofuels Can Bring Benefits To Both Rich And Poor Nations
Global Biopact On Biofuels Can Bring Benefits To Both Rich And Poor Nations
The False Hope of Biofuels
The False Hope of Biofuels
Biofuels switch a mistake, say researchers
Biofuels switch a mistake, say researchers
How Biofuels could starve the poor
How Biofuels could starve the poor
Oilseed rape and biofuels
Bio-Fuel toasting the Indonesian rainforests